Overview Census 2023

The Census module presents data for from New Zealand Censuses. It enables the user to drill deeper into the characteristics of people, families and households in , including comparison with other areas and the ability to focus on detailed geographical areas.

The Census module contains data for 2023 for the variables, at national, regional and territorial authority level, which have already been published by Stats NZ. It also contains data for 2018, and previous census years, for other census variables. More variables, and data at sub-territorial authority, will be added later in 2024 when the data is published by Stats NZ.

A word of caution about Census data. Stats NZ does not adjust Census data for undercount, so it only provides a partial picture of ’s population. Census data is best used for understanding the composition of ’s population. To understand the size of ’s population, we recommend using Stats NZ’s Estimated Resident Population (ERP) series, presented in the Population section, which is a more comprehensive and reliable measure. The ERP accounts for individuals that were missed in the Census by using secondary sources such as administrative data and a post-Census survey.